July 16, 2018

The importance of cultural intelligence

Cultural intelligence is the ability to operate in any business environment. This is a highly sought-after skill by leaders both domestically and...

March 28, 2018

Why Selling Turns Others Off And Influencing Turns Them On

All of us do some form of “selling” to others in our personal and professional capacity, be it a product or service offering to our clients, to...

March 21, 2018

 5 Golden Rules of Stakeholder Engagement You Don’t Want To Miss Out!

The concepts of stakeholder management and stakeholder engagement are fundamentally different. The former aims to minimise conflicts while attempting...

February 21, 2018

Don't do it ALONE! Engage stakeholder interdependence for collective success

With increasing global competition in this digital age, the call for collective success among key stakeholders is more urgent than ever. How then...